6D Manifestation
Unlocking the Codes of Creation
Finally understand what it means to BE the Creator of your own Reality
Learn the powerful tools and techniques that have helped our clients to Rewrite Soul Contracts, EXPLODE INTO THEIR SPIRITUAL GIFTS, attract Soul Mate clients, download potent Soul Purpose driven programmes within their Business (with immediate success), manifest free vacations, create £25k weeks in Business,
QUANTUM LEAP, craft conscious, powerful, intimate, LOVING Relationships and literally learn to RECODE the Blueprints of their Reality.
I see you beautiful soul.
You know you're meant for more.
You know you're here to create a life of Abundance and Purpose,
but you have no idea how!
You've read the books, you've done the vision boards, you've had Abraham Hicks on repeat for as long as you can remember... But it no longer feels like Magic.
Your desires aren't manifesting the way they used to. If they even manifest at all, it's inconsistent or short lived and you find yourself wondering... is this Manifestation stuff even real?
You feel stuck... frustrated... and the Fear begins to kick in as you begin to wonder
"When will it happen for me?"
I feel you babe- I've been there! But trust me, this means you're right at the edge of something incredible...
You're not experiencing another Dark Night of the Soul- You're actually Levelling Up!
You're stepping into the Adult Phase of Manifestation.
But in order to fully step into this Phase and Create at this level, you need to understand the secret of harnessing the Duality of your Human and Multidimensional Self.
You need to get to know yourself AS THE UNIVERSE.
You cognitively understand that you are
The Creator of Your Reality.
But are you really embodying the Power of that Truth?
Imagine the shifts you would experience in your
income, in your body, in your love life
if you were TRULY harnessing this power
experiencing itself in human form
Imagine the level of Peace you would feel, the Magic you would Create as you begin to truly witness your Power to rewrite your reality in any way you wish.
Unlock the secrets to Adult Phase Manifestation through this Multidimensional approach that has helped our clients to;
Explode into their Spiritual Gifts
Download Soul-Aligned Powerful Signature Programmes in their Business
Attract Soul Mate clients
Rewrite their Soul Contracts
Quantum Leap
Manifest Money
(and Free Trips)
Design the intimate relationship of their dreams
And become Conscious Architects of their Reality
Many Manifestation programmes are still rooted in the OLD PARADIGM of 5D consciousness.
But this dramatically dilutes your Co-Creative Power.
We are at the leading edge of a NEW PARADIGM; some of us are ready for 6D.
6D Manifestation is the only course of it's kind; the only course that teaches you to step from 5D consciousness (Adolescent Phase Manifestation) into 6D consciousness (Adult Phase Manifestation).
With the power of The Galayla Collective, Leanne assists you to step into the FULLNESS OF YOUR POTENTIAL through harnessing the power of the Multidimensional and Human Self.
Gain access to powerful energetic activations from the Source Frequencies of The Galayla Collective as they show you how to 'take out the middle man', cutting right to your Power as Source energy (as the Universe) so that you can begin manifesting at this level.