The Oracle
A 4 week introductory journey for Women who are ready to reclaim their Feminine Power,
tap into their infinite well of Wisdom (become the Oracle) and experience the Magic of Divinity so they can become a clear channel for Source energy and a radiant beacon for the highest frequencies of Love.
A Powerful Channelled Journey into your Sovereignty;
We will be channelling next level information about the step into The New Paradigm, led by Goddess Kali of The Galayla Collective around the following juicy topics;
Learn why Feminine energy has been repressed for many years and how this ties in with an Ancient cycle of healing that is slowly coming into balance (that you came here to be a part of), so you can begin to recalibrate your system, transmuting the limiting beliefs that that have been holding Women back for millennia, and unleashing the highest frequencies of Love for all as we step into our Power and begin to envelop the Planet with these magical frequencies.
Discover the 4 dominant energies of the universe and their role in helping you to unlock your Channel and step into your own Divine Wisdom (become the Oracle)
Meet Kali the Goddess (of The Galayla Collective) who will show you how to step into your own goddess power and radiate Divine Oneness energy so you may always be in service to the highest frequencies of Love, whilst Creating the life you always dreamed of.
Discover the art of Present Moment Mastery (a powerful 6D Alchemy tool) that will help you anchor into Source Frequency immediately, so you can begin creating the Abundant life your desire, right now.
Learn more about the height and maturity of Divine Feminine Energy that is now flooding into the planet, so you can begin to harness the Power of this energy to create more ease, flow and abundance within your life as you reconnect to your Divinity, your sensuality and you ability to yield the Power of Source Energy (Pure Love) within your 3D body.
Explore the differences in 5D and 6D Goddess frequencies and how to cultivate the depth of this wisdom at any age so you can overcome any limiting beliefs that are holding you back from deepening your own connection to Source
Explore the role of Sovereign Eldership in the Collective shift to 6D Consciousness, as well as YOUR INDIVIDUAL ROLE within this shift, regardless of your age so you can begin to drop the "People pleaser" mentality and come into deep integrity with your own heart as you finally embody the truth of why this serves the Collective.